Did you know, the average worker receives 121 emails per day? Out of the 121 emails that are sent, roughly 45% of them are spam. With so many emails being sent and received on a daily basis, it can be difficult to create email content that gets the attention of the audience. At RocketDog, we work to develop comprehensive strategies for Branding that enable clients to have quality touchpoints with our customers on a regular basis. Email marketing is a channel that can be activated to help you have meaningful and frequent interactions with customers.

As a consumer, you have likely interacted with Brands that do not have consistency in their email marketing. There are a variety of different issues that occur when a strong email marketing strategy is not established, including:

  • Companies send too many messages
  • Emails are not released frequently enough
  • There is inconsistency in the design and layout
  • All content is “salesy” 

If you are receiving multiple emails a day that do not apply to you, you will likely hit the “unsubscribe” button. If you check your email and have 200 unread messages, you will likely not take the time to open every email. As a Brand, optimizing your email marketing strategy requires the perfect combination of timing, frequency, and content quality.

If you are struggling with low email open rates, do not be discouraged. There are many ways that you can improve your email marketing and increase the rate in which emails get opened. In this article, we will discuss the guidelines for increasing the average email open rate.

1: Decide the Optimal Timing for Email Communication

When you are establishing an email content calendar, it is important to have consistency. When in the day does your target customer have the ability to read an email? Are most of your customers located on the West Coast or the East Coast? After you outline the typical day in the life of your target audience, determine which time and day they are likely to consume email content. Many Brands send emails at the beginning of the work day and during lunch hour. According to 14 studies, the optimal times to send emails are 6:00am, 10:00am, 9:00pm. In the morning, individuals are waking up and starting their day, looking to see what is in store. Later in the evening, individuals are winding down and catching up on their missed emails. When you send emails at optimal times, they are more likely to be looked at.

2: Utilize Meaningful Words and Compelling Offers

It is important to use words and offer content that delivers value to the reader. Although integrating catchy slogans and overused phrases may capture the readers’ attention, it will not build your reputation as a high-quality Brand. Being overly promotional is an obvious tactic in the marketing industry. When brands offer “free” products or unrealistic offers, it is obvious to consumers that there is a catch. When an offer is too good to be true, it usually has a string attached. By making meaningful offers and using unique words and phrases, your impact will go further.

3: Determine the Value You Are Bringing Customers

Many customers focus on the products and services they can give to customers. You have seen promotional emails that focus much attention on products but a little attention on the value of the products. When you send email content, you are constantly trying to express to customers that your Brand is the right solution for their problem. All content should portray you as the expert in the field that knows how to sift through the challenges that they are facing.

4: Keep Your Emails Simple and Short

When emails are too long, the details are lost in the copy. Emails should be short, concise, and pointed. Ideally, your email copy should be between 50 to 200 words. If emails are shorter than 50 words, they may seem vague or cause more questions than answers. By keeping emails brief and to the point, people are more likely to gather the point that you are trying to convey. 

5: Develop a Strong Content Calendar

Even if you have simple emails that are sent at optimal times, your emails will not be read if they do not offer content that is relevant to the reader. It is important that the content that you release to readers is diversified and interesting. Having a well-developed content calendar allows you to develop a consistent tone and message. When your calendar is established, you can ensure that you are releasing an adequate mix of informative pieces, announcements, promotions, and more.

6: Creating a Call To Action

One of the core functions of any email should be a clear “call to action” aka a CTA. A call to action allows the reader to quickly take action if they want. This function exists to allow consumers to quickly take action on the information they are receiving. Any and all CTAs should be trackable and adjusted based on the customer's engagement, or lack of/By utilizing a call to action, you will be able to see direct results of the success of your email marketing.

7: Track Your Analytics

If you are looking to increase your average email open rate, it is important that you diligently keep track of your analytics. Focus on the patterns that are revealed through tracking your email campaigns. As you identify tactics that do or do not work, you can tailor your email strategy to better reach the audience.


When email communication is done right, it can offer a return on investment as high as 4,400%; that is a $44 return on every $1 spent! Successful email marketing campaigns allow you to expand your base, establish your company as the expert, and develop a deeper relationship with your audience. Inboxes can get crowded quickly; it is important that the content that you are delivering to your customers is relevant. At RocketDog, we help our customers find the right combination of timing, frequency, and content for their email campaigns. By investing in your email strategy, you can increase your email open rate and gain a better return on investment. If you need assistance developing a consistent message and developing an effective email strategy, content RocketDog today.