Are you attempting to have a savvy marketing strategy without any results? Are you investing time and resources into a Brand that is not garnering new business? Unfortunately, many businesses repel new customers as they try to attract them.

We often talk about effective Branding in marketing circles as if it were some sort of magic elixir that draws the very targets you want into your doorway, perhaps accompanied by their sales dollars. However, the process is much more comprehensive than people think.

There are two big Branding mistakes most businesses make. First, they create a marketing strategy just for the sake of having a plan but there is not a clearly articulated metric of success. Secondly, Brands focus efforts in polarizing ways that attract one target audience but repels another.

How Do I Know If My Branding Strategy Is Attracting Customers?

Businesses often throw around words like "innovative" and "cutting edge." Although these concepts are good in theory, they need to be executed flawlessly to compel an audience. If the image that your businesses projects doesn't match the the promise of your Brand, you can expect a disconnect that may lead to consumer confusion or worse, irrelevance. Your Branding is the promise that you make to customers.  It needs to be communicated through every aspect of marketing plan.

If there is a disconnect causing customer distrust, you will repel new customers. With the volume of marketing materials that an individual encounters on a daily basis, it is more likely that they will analyze a message from a business that they are looking to engage with. Make sure your message is concise, clear, and truthful.

Are you using language that is clear, concise and relatable across every touchpoint?

An effective Branding strategy attracts customers by using language that is clear, concise and relatable across every touchpoint. Whatever you are selling, whether it's a product or service, the brand must communicate the core reasons why someone should buy from you instead of your competitors. This means putting yourself in the shoes of potential customers and understanding their psyche while creating a presence that speaks to them on an emotional level without being too pushy.

Tone & Voice Matter More Than Ever Before

Your tone and voice matter more than ever before when attracting new consumers. Individuals are inundated with marketing messages everywhere they turn - social media, television commercials, print ads, etc.

What branding should do is align your strategy with an effective plan of execution targeted at a selected audience. In this way, your promise becomes a clear communication device for attracting and building relationships with the right customers. These individuals may go on to be brand ambassadors or advocates for your company across their own networks.

Your branding can be successful even if a company's products and services are still being perfected.


The best thing to do when analyzing your marketing strategy is to put yourself in the shoes of the customer.  Before creating your strategy and plan, make sure your team is aligned on the promise that you want to make to your customers. From there, you can help create a streamlined message that can be used in all aspects of the marketing plan.