As a college or university, your Brand is one of your most valuable assets. It's what sets you apart from other institutions and helps you attract and retain students. However, if your Branding is not up to par, it could be turning potential students away. In this blog post, we'll discuss the warning signs that your Branding may be turning potential students away and what you, as a college or university, can do to fix it from a design agency perspective.
- Your messaging is unclear or inconsistent: A key component of your Branding is your messaging. If your messaging is unclear or inconsistent, it can be difficult for potential students to understand what your institution is all about. This can lead to confusion and ultimately result in potential students choosing another institution. A design agency can help you develop a clear and consistent messaging strategy that effectively communicates the unique value of your institution.
- Your visual identity is outdated or unappealing: The visual elements of your Branding, such as your logo, color scheme, and Website design, are also important. If your visual identity is outdated or unappealing, it can give the impression that your institution is not current or relevant. A design agency can help you update your visual identity to create a modern and visually engaging Brand that effectively communicates your institution's values and mission. See our work for the University of Washington (Look Book) to see how we used updated design to attract new students.
- Your Website is not user-friendly: Your Website is often the first point of contact for potential students. If your Website is not user-friendly, it can be difficult for them to find the information they need, leading to frustration and ultimately resulting in them choosing another institution. A design agency can help you create a Website that is easy to navigate, visually engaging, and provides relevant and up-to-date information about your institution.
- Your social media presence is weak or inactive: Social media is a powerful tool for reaching potential students. If your social media presence is weak or inactive, you're missing out on a valuable opportunity to connect with potential students. A design agency can help you create a social media strategy that effectively communicates your institution's Brand and values and reaches your target audience.
- Your Branding is not aligned with your mission and values: Your Branding should align with your mission and values as an institution. If your Branding is not aligned with your mission and values, it can be difficult for potential students to understand what sets you apart from other institutions. A design agency can work with you to ensure that your Branding is aligned with your mission and values, and effectively communicates the unique characteristics of your institution to potential students.
In addition to these key areas, a design agency can also help you with other aspects of your Branding such as creating a Brand Guide, developing a Brand voice, and creating a Brand that is consistent across all platforms and touch points. A design agency can also help you create a Brand that resonates with your target audience, by conducting research and testing to ensure that your branding is effective and appealing to potential students.
In conclusion, it's important to regularly review and update your Branding as a college or university to ensure that it's effectively communicating the value and unique characteristics of your institution, and attracting potential students who are a good fit for your school. A design agency can help you with this process by conducting a thorough branding audit, identifying problem areas, and developing a comprehensive Branding strategy that addresses those issues and aligns with your mission and values.
Are interested in knowing how we can help your university be "the choice"? Drop us a line! Our team is looking forward to working with you.