The Power of People
The Power of People
Wimmer Solutions
Branding and Collateral
Professional Services
CHALLENGE: Help one of the region’s elite consulting/staffing companies grow their brand and help them stand out among the saturated market of glossy consulting firms.
SOLUTION: With the new brand positioning and suite of marketing materials to go with it, Wimmer was able to not only succeed inside their main client, Microsoft, but they were able to open doors to new opportunities. As one of Seattle’s Fastest Growing Companies, Wimmer was now primed with the tools to take the company to the next level. In the years since we rolled out the updated brand, the company has nearly doubled in revenue and size thanks to the ability to expand outside of Microsoft.
In the years since we rolled out the updated brand, the company has nearly doubled in revenue and size thanks to the ability to expand outside of Microsoft.
“You f-ing ROCK!
That thing is on like Donkey Kong!"
– Matt Suri, Owner, Wimmer Solutions
“You f-ing ROCK!
That thing is on like Donkey Kong!"
– Matt Suri, Owner, Wimmer Solutions
“You f-ing ROCK!
That thing is on like Donkey Kong!"
– Matt Suri, Owner, Wimmer Solutions
“You f-ing ROCK!
That thing is on like Donkey Kong!"
– Matt Suri, Owner, Wimmer Solutions